
I always say I am going to start writing again. Writing was my strong point in school. Any academic awards and accolades I achieved were in writing. Now, after living in the grammar hell of Western Pa, I question as to whether I can even write a cognitive sentence. I might need my daughter or a friend like Robert Cairns to proofread my every word. I do not even want to think about structure! My last serious writings were music reviews and ads. If I am going to do this I hope you will all bear with me as I learn all over again.

I actually started a book back in the Air Force. I wonder if it is around somewhere?


Toni Ertl said…
Hi Ralph - I'd prefer it if, rather than carefully constructing a piece of prose for us, rather you just simply wrote your thoughts: how you felt, what was happening and what you were doing. There are lots of 'clever writers' about on t'intarwebs, but not many who write about reality.
BigRalphN said…
That is probably what I will do Tony. I wasn't thinking about cute poetry or the like. I would like to attempt a little fiction again, but that will most likely be done off line in short story for, or in a different venue altogether. The last post will be more like what will appear here. I also expect an occasional music or gear comment as well.

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