VG Strat


One of my best finds in guitars as this VG Strat. I got rid of my Carvin CT3 to get it. Fender has discontinued these and I do not know why? No sales? Was it misunderstood? It the root it is an American Strat with all the great feel and sound off an Amrican Strat. But inside it is so mucch more. With the Roland picckup it is a Strat, Tele, Humbucker guitar and an acoustic. It has a varieety of alternate tunings and doe each well. It can also be a 12 string in all but the first mode where it is a sanddard American Strat. I love the feel and vversatility of this. The only downsie is the batterry usae which is about 4 hours with standard double A's or 6 to 8 with decent rechargeables. So I just keep a spare set charged at all times. I hope they bring these back out in the future. I love mine.
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BigRalphN said…
Since been traded to get my son drums
BigRalphN said…
I traded this years ago to get Christmas presents. I know who has it. Maybe I should acquire it back.

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