Delay Desire

Tone Factor - Dedicated to bringing you the finest in hand-made, boutique effects pedals, Guitars, amplifiers and other accessories

I love delays.  But I am really like a more natural old style delay with out all the wild space effects.  So today I was searching Tonefactor for delay that I might really sink my teeth into and saw this one.

Subdecay Echo Box - Start out with a great delay sound, add intuitive and useful features, and you have your self The Echo Box.

The sound is somewhere between a digital and analog delay, but without the coldness of the the typical digital delay, or sometimes "icky" artifacts heard with analog delays.

The repeats degrade each time they are recycled, but without any clicking, or popping often caused by "noise reduction" compandor circuits in older delays. Instead the Echo Box uses a discrete noise reduction circuit designed from the ground up.

Natural decay mode allows the echo effect to naturally trail off after being bypassed. (with this feature off the pedal is true bypass)

The modulation can be turned completely off, add just a little tape like warble, or push your tone to near insanity.

Delay time is around 800ms. Infinite repeats are possible, and the scaling of the repeat knob can be altered via an internal trimpot.

I thought it sounding very nice. Perfect for those Pink Floyd type pages or those sweet analog like slapback. This one might be the perfect addition to my Analogman Delay. I like to have two.

Subdecay Echobox Modulated Delay Pedal

Subdecay Echobox Demo

of course if you have the money andd are a tweaker you may want the Empress SuperDelay

Empress Superdelay


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