Sonic Martyr


Ok.  So I ripped the description for this off of their webpage, but this is going to be one killer CD. Pop by the link above and listen to the clips. If you like bands like Kings X and  Alice and Chains, but with a dose of originality and conviction, then this is for you. This should appeal to the younger listener as well as the old who like a little bit of metal grit in their soup!

From Trinity Records Site:

The music of Sonic Martyr mixes elements of modern hard rock & heavy groove with an industrial atmosphere!

This is a concept EP that deals with our broken
nature.  However, it's also the story of someone who is very close to
me.  I pray for this person daily. 

The music will deal with sin and the negative effects it causes the mind, body & spirit.

Lyrically it won't be for the faint of heart. The wedge that sin
creates between God and His creation should not be sugar coated and
packaged in fuzzy feel good language. We all need to hold the mirror of
our human reality up to our faces.  We need to look at our vulnerable
dependency. We further need to acknowledge it, accept the
responsibility for it and through the blood of The Annointed One -

The 5 Song EP will be Mastered at Alien Beans Studio by Ty Tabor of King's X.


The 5 Song EP will be Mastered at Alien Beans Studio by Ty Tabor of King's X.


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