So you think you are a Tonefactor junkie?!?!

I have been buying stuff from Brad at Tonefactor since very early on. In fact, I may have been his second customer (I tried, but I remember him telling me that another person had beaten me too it). I know I was at least one of the first 5. I bought an Electro Harmonix Pulsar if I recall (though it could have been a Holy Grail or Guyatone Compressor). I bought all of my early pedals from them. Back then it was basically Brad dealing via email or forum with his customers(sometimes his better half would handle it as well). So I thought I would throw out some Tonefactor Trivia and see how many of you know the answers. You can answer with reply here or pop in to the Tone Factor Forums and let us know what you think the answers are. I am not going to give the answers. That will be up to Brad, if he wants to share.

1. What was the forum that Brad started many moons ago, that may have helped launch his vision of Tone Factor? (hint: This forum is still active with its current proprietor and and is still frequented by myself and others from the Tone Factor Forums).

2. Currently Tone Factor sells Reverend Guitars! Early on, they sold a Boutique line and 2 other brands. Can you name any of them?

3. What were the first two Tone Factor Branded pedals and do any of you know the actual maker of them?

4. One of Brads early brands made pedals like the KGB and range VooDoo. He no longer carries these, but do any of you know the brand of these pedals?

5. What was the USA Reverend Guitar that Brad played for quite some time?

6. What bulletin board system was home of the first Tone Factor Forum? (it is actually still there, though not in use).

7. Are there any famous guitar players who have tried or used Tone Factor/Mojo Hand pedals?

8. Name 3 or more boutique pedal builders who post at Tone Factor!

9. What was the logo on the first Tone Factor T-Shirt?

10. may be the toughest one of all. You had to be an early Tone Factor user to even have a clue with this one (and have a great memory). I have Hellbaby #1. Why couldn't I try it right way when I got it?

11. Extra Credit: What was the name of the hurricane that chased Brad and family to Missouri back in 2005? By the way, lets pray that the current predicted hurricane stays away from Brad and his family. The 2005 loss of electricity and such was enough.

12. Who is Tibedeaux?

The logo above was a winner of an early TF contest and Brads first sticker.


Anonymous said…
I really need a Sugarbaby!

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